How to Search a Table on a Phrase that I Pass through a Ternary Operator
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How to Search a Table on a Phrase that I Pass through a Ternary Operator

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Are you tired of manually searching through tables to find that one specific phrase? Do you wish there was a way to automate this process and make your life easier? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how to search a table on a phrase that you pass through a ternary operator. Yes, you read that right – a ternary operator! We’ll take you on a step-by-step journey to master this powerful technique and make your data analysis tasks a breeze.

What is a Ternary Operator?

Before we dive into the meat of the article, let’s take a quick look at what a ternary operator is. A ternary operator, also known as a conditional operator, is a concise way to write a conditional statement in programming languages. It consists of three parts: a condition, a value if true, and a value if false. The syntax looks like this:

condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false

In the context of searching a table, we’ll use the ternary operator to pass a phrase as a condition to search for in the table.

Setting Up the Table

Let’s assume we have a table with some dummy data that we want to search. For simplicity, we’ll use a table with three columns: id, name, and description.

id name description
1 John This is a test description for John
2 Jane This is a test description for Jane
3 Bob This is a test description for Bob that contains the phrase “hello world”
4 Alice This is a test description for Alice that contains the phrase “hello universe”

Using a Ternary Operator to Search the Table

Now that we have our table set up, let’s create a function that takes a phrase as an input and searches the table for that phrase using a ternary operator. We’ll use JavaScript as our programming language of choice.

function searchTable(phrase) {
  const rows = document.querySelectorAll('tr');
  const results = [];

  rows.forEach(row => {
    const cells = row.cells;
    let match = false;

    cells.forEach(cell => {
      match = cell.textContent.includes(phrase) ? true : match;

    if (match) {

  return results;

In this code, we first select all table rows using document.querySelectorAll('tr'). Then, we loop through each row and its cells, checking if the phrase is present in any of the cell text using the includes() method. If the phrase is found, we set the match variable to true using the ternary operator.

Calling the Function and Displaying the Results

Now that we have our function, let’s call it with a phrase and display the results. We’ll use the phrase “hello world” as an example.

const results = searchTable('hello world');

results.forEach(result => {
  console.log(result.cells[0].textContent + ': ' + result.cells[2].textContent);

This will output:

3: This is a test description for Bob that contains the phrase "hello world"

As expected, the function returns the row that contains the phrase “hello world”. We can then loop through the results and log the id and description columns to the console.

Optimizing the Function

In our previous example, we looped through each cell in each row to search for the phrase. This can be optimized by using a single loop that checks all cells at once. Let’s refactor our function:

function searchTable(phrase) {
  const cells = document.querySelectorAll('td');
  const results = [];

  cells.forEach(cell => {
    if (cell.textContent.includes(phrase)) {

  return results;

In this optimized version, we select all table cells using document.querySelectorAll('td') and loop through them. If the phrase is found in a cell, we add the entire row (parentNode) to the results array.

Using the Function with Different Phrases

Now that we have our optimized function, let’s test it with different phrases:

console.log(searchTable('hello universe'));
console.log(searchTable('test description'));

This will output:

[..., ..., ..., ...]

As expected, the function returns the rows that contain the respective phrases.


In this article, we’ve learned how to search a table on a phrase that we pass through a ternary operator. We’ve covered the basics of ternary operators, set up a table, created a function to search the table, and optimized the function for better performance. With this knowledge, you can now automate your data analysis tasks and make your life easier. Remember, the power of programming lies in its ability to simplify complex tasks and make you more efficient!

Bonus Tip: Using Regular Expressions

What if you want to search for a phrase with case insensitivity or with special characters? That’s where regular expressions come in! You can modify our function to use regular expressions to search for the phrase:

function searchTable(phrase) {
  const cells = document.querySelectorAll('td');
  const regex = new RegExp(phrase, 'i');
  const results = [];

  cells.forEach(cell => {
    if (cell.textContent.match(regex)) {

  return results;

In this modified version, we create a regular expression object with the phrase and the i flag for case insensitivity. We then use the match() method to search for the phrase in each cell. This way, you can search for phrases with special characters or case insensitivity.

And that’s it! With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to search tables like a pro. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of searching a table on a phrase using a ternary operator!

What is a ternary operator, and how does it help me search a table?

A ternary operator, also known as a conditional operator, is a concise way to write an if-else statement. It helps you search a table by allowing you to specify a condition and return a value based on that condition. In this case, you can use it to search for a specific phrase in a table and return the matching rows. Think of it as a superhero sidekick that helps you navigate your data with ease!

How do I write a ternary operator to search a table for a specific phrase?

The syntax for a ternary operator is `condition ? true_value : false_value`. To search a table, you can use it like this: `SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE ‘%phrase%’ ? ‘matches’ : ‘no matches’;`. This will return all rows where the column_name contains the phrase. Easy peasy!

Can I use a ternary operator to search for multiple phrases in a table?

You bet! You can use multiple ternary operators to search for multiple phrases. For example: `SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE ‘%phrase1%’ ? ‘matches’ : (column_name LIKE ‘%phrase2%’ ? ‘matches’ : ‘no matches’);`. This will return all rows where the column_name contains either phrase1 or phrase2. Get creative with those conditionals!

What if I want to search for an exact phrase instead of a partial match?

No problem! Instead of using the LIKE operator with a wildcard (%), you can use the “=” operator for an exact match. For example: `SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = ‘exact_phrase’ ? ‘matches’ : ‘no matches’;`. This will return only rows where the column_name is exactly equal to the specified phrase. Precision search, activated!

Can I use a ternary operator to search a table with multiple conditions?

Absolutely! You can combine multiple conditions using the AND or OR operators with a ternary operator. For example: `SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE (column_name LIKE ‘%phrase%’ AND column_name LIKE ‘%another_phrase%’) ? ‘matches’ : ‘no matches’;`. This will return all rows where the column_name contains both phrases. The possibilities are endless!

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