Unlocking the Secrets of Node.js: Understanding NODE_MODULE_VERSION=123
Image by Chesea - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of Node.js: Understanding NODE_MODULE_VERSION=123

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Are you tired of getting errors and warnings every time you try to install a new package or run your Node.js application? Do you find yourself scratching your head, wondering what’s going on with the infamous “NODE_MODULE_VERSION” issue? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the world of Node.js versions and explore what exactly “NODE_MODULE_VERSION=123” means and how to tackle it.


In simple terms, NODE_MODULE_VERSION is an environment variable that specifies the version of the Node.js ABI (Application Binary Interface) used by a module. Think of it as a unique identifier that ensures compatibility between Node.js and its modules. When you install a module, it gets compiled against a specific version of Node.js, and that’s where NODE_MODULE_VERSION comes in.

Here’s a code snippet to illustrate this:

NODE_MODULE_VERSION=123 node myapp.js

In this example, we’re setting the NODE_MODULE_VERSION environment variable to 123 before running our Node.js application. But what does this number mean?


When you see “NODE_MODULE_VERSION=123”, it means that the module is compatible with Node.js version 14.x.x. Yes, you read that correctly – version 14! But why 123 and not, say, 140 or something more intuitive?

The reason lies in the way Node.js versions are structured. Each version consists of three parts: major, minor, and patch. For example, Node.js 14.17.0 breaks down to:

  • Major version: 14
  • Minor version: 17
  • Patch version: 0

Now, when we talk about NODE_MODULE_VERSION, we’re only concerned with the major version. To get the NODE_MODULE_VERSION from the major version, we use a simple formula:

NODE_MODULE_VERSION = (major version * 1000000) - 1

Using this formula, we can calculate the NODE_MODULE_VERSION for different Node.js versions:

14.x.x 123
16.x.x 128
17.x.x 133

Troubleshooting NODE_MODULE_VERSION Issues

So, what happens when you encounter a NODE_MODULE_VERSION issue? Don’t worry; it’s more common than you think! Here are some common scenarios and their solutions:

Scenario 1: Installing a Module Fails with NODE_MODULE_VERSION Error

When you try to install a module, you might get an error message like this:

gyp ERR! node -v v17.5.0
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.8.0
gyp ERR! not ok
node-gyp exited with code: 1
Please make sure you are using a supported version of node and npm.
Error: `node-sass` binding not found

In this case, the issue is likely due to the module being compiled against an older version of Node.js. To fix this, try:

  1. Checking the module's documentation to see if it supports your Node.js version
  2. Upgrading or downgrading your Node.js version to match the required version
  3. Deleting the `node_modules` directory and reinstalling the module

Scenario 2: Running a Node.js Application with NODE_MODULE_VERSION Error

You've written a fantastic Node.js application, but when you try to run it, you get an error message like this:

Error: The module '/path/to/module'
was compiled against a different Node.js version using
NODE_MODULE_VERSION 133. This version of Node.js requires
NODE_MODULE_VERSION 123. Please try re-compiling or re-installing
the module.

In this scenario, the issue is due to a mismatch between the NODE_MODULE_VERSION of the module and the Node.js version you're running. To fix this, try:

  1. Re-compiling the module using the correct Node.js version
  2. Re-installing the module using the correct Node.js version
  3. Checking if the module is compatible with your Node.js version


In conclusion, NODE_MODULE_VERSION is an essential part of the Node.js ecosystem, ensuring that modules are compatible with the version of Node.js you're using. By understanding what NODE_MODULE_VERSION means and how it works, you'll be better equipped to troubleshoot and resolve issues related to it. Remember, when in doubt, check the module's documentation, and don't be afraid to upgrade or downgrade your Node.js version to ensure compatibility.

So, the next time you encounter a NODE_MODULE_VERSION issue, you'll know exactly what to do. Happy coding, and may the Node.js be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to level up your Node.js knowledge with these burning questions about NODE_MODULE_VERSION!

What does NODE_MODULE_VERSION=123 mean in Node.js?

NODE_MODULE_VERSION is a version number that indicates the ABI (Application Binary Interface) compatibility of a Node.js module. In this case, NODE_MODULE_VERSION=123 means the module is compatible with Node.js version 12.3.0 or later.

Why do I need to care about NODE_MODULE_VERSION?

You should care about NODE_MODULE_VERSION because it ensures that your Node.js module is compatible with the Node.js version you're using. Incompatible modules can lead to crashes, errors, or unexpected behavior in your application.

How do I check the NODE_MODULE_VERSION of a Node.js module?

You can check the NODE_MODULE_VERSION of a Node.js module by running the command `node -p "require('module').version"` in your terminal, replacing 'module' with the name of the module you want to check.

Can I use a Node.js module with a different NODE_MODULE_VERSION?

While it's technically possible to use a Node.js module with a different NODE_MODULE_VERSION, it's not recommended. Incompatible modules can cause issues, and you may encounter errors or unexpected behavior. It's best to use modules that match the NODE_MODULE_VERSION of your Node.js version.

How do I update the NODE_MODULE_VERSION of a Node.js module?

To update the NODE_MODULE_VERSION of a Node.js module, you'll need to recompile the module using a compatible version of Node.js. You can do this by running the command `node-gyp rebuild` in the module's directory. This will rebuild the module with the current Node.js version.