Solving the Frustrating Issue: KeyboardAvoidingView not Working Properly in React Native
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Solving the Frustrating Issue: KeyboardAvoidingView not Working Properly in React Native

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re frustrated with the KeyboardAvoidingView component in React Native. It’s supposed to be a lifesaver, automatically moving your content up when the keyboard appears, but instead, it’s not working as expected. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the common pitfalls and provide clear, step-by-step solutions to get your KeyboardAvoidingView working like a charm.

Understanding the KeyboardAvoidingView Component

The KeyboardAvoidingView component is a part of the React Native library, designed to help you handle the keyboard overlapping your content. It’s meant to be a simple solution to a common problem, but sometimes it can be finicky. Before we dive into the troubleshooting, let’s quickly review how to use the component correctly:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { KeyboardAvoidingView, TextInput, View } from 'react-native';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('');

  return (
          placeholder="Enter some text"

export default MyComponent;

Behavior Property: What You Need to Know

The behavior property is where most developers go wrong. It’s essential to understand the three available options:

  • height: This is the default behavior, which only works on iOS. It will adjust the height of the view to the height of the keyboard.
  • position: This behavior is only suitable for Android and adjusts the position of the view to the top of the keyboard.
  • padding: This is the most versatile option, working on both iOS and Android. It will add padding to the bottom of the view, equal to the height of the keyboard.

Remember, if you’re targeting both iOS and Android, padding is your safest bet.

Common Issues and Solutions

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s tackle the most common problems and their solutions:

Issue 1: KeyboardAvoidingView not Working on Android

If you’re experiencing issues on Android, it’s likely due to the Android keyboard being displayed as a dialog. To fix this, add the following line to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<application android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize">

This will ensure the keyboard pushes the content up, rather than overlaying it.

Issue 2: KeyboardAvoidingView Not Working Inside a ScrollView

Nesting a KeyboardAvoidingView inside a ScrollView can cause problems. To overcome this, wrap the ScrollView with the KeyboardAvoidingView instead:

import { ScrollView, KeyboardAvoidingView } from 'react-native';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
    <KeyboardAvoidingView behavior="padding" enabled>
        {/* Your content here */}

Issue 3: KeyboardAvoidingView Not Working with Multiple TextInputs

If you have multiple TextInput components, the KeyboardAvoidingView might not work as expected. To fix this, wrap each TextInput with its own KeyboardAvoidingView, or use a single KeyboardAvoidingView around a container that holds all the TextInput components:

import { View, KeyboardAvoidingView, TextInput } from 'react-native';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      <KeyboardAvoidingView behavior="padding" enabled>
        <TextInput placeholder="Input 1" />
      <KeyboardAvoidingView behavior="padding" enabled>
        <TextInput placeholder="Input 2" />

Issue 4: KeyboardAvoidingView Not Working with Custom Components

If you’re using custom components that contain TextInput components, ensure those custom components are wrapped with a KeyboardAvoidingView. This will allow the keyboard to correctly detect the focus on the input field.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

Still struggling to get your KeyboardAvoidingView working? Here are some additional tips to help you troubleshoot:

  1. Check your imports: Make sure you’re importing KeyboardAvoidingView from the correct module (e.g., react-native).
  2. Verify your component hierarchy: Ensure that the KeyboardAvoidingView is a direct parent of the TextInput component.
  3. Use the correct behavior property: Choose the correct behavior property for your platform (iOS, Android, or both).
  4. Check for conflicting styles: Ensure that your custom styles aren’t overriding the KeyboardAvoidingView styles.
  5. Test on different devices and simulators: Verify that the issue persists across different devices and simulators.


We’ve covered the most common issues and solutions related to the KeyboardAvoidingView component in React Native. By following these tips and understanding the ins and outs of this component, you should be able to get your KeyboardAvoidingView working smoothly. Remember to stay patient, take a step back, and debug your code carefully. Happy coding!

Issue Solution
KeyboardAvoidingView not working on Android Adjust the AndroidManifest.xml file to include android:windowSoftInputMode=”adjustResize”
KeyboardAvoidingView not working inside a ScrollView Wrap the ScrollView with the KeyboardAvoidingView instead
KeyboardAvoidingView not working with multiple TextInputs Wrap each TextInput with its own KeyboardAvoidingView or use a single KeyboardAvoidingView around a container
KeyboardAvoidingView not working with custom components Wrap custom components containing TextInput with a KeyboardAvoidingView

Still having trouble? Feel free to ask in the comments below, and we’ll do our best to help you out!

Happy coding, and remember: Don’t let the keyboard get in the way of your React Native app!

Here is the HTML code with 5 Questions and Answers about “KeyboardAvoidingView not working properly || React Native”:

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with KeyboardAvoidingView in React Native? Worry not! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why is my KeyboardAvoidingView not working on Android?

Make sure you have added the `android:windowSoftInputMode` property to your `AndroidManifest.xml` file. Set it to `adjustResize` or `adjustPan` to allow the keyboard to resize or pan the view accordingly.

How do I prevent the KeyboardAvoidingView from covering my fixed footer?

Wrap your footer component in a `View` with a fixed height and position it at the bottom of the screen using `position: ‘absolute’` or `position: ‘relative’`. This will ensure that the keyboard does not cover your footer.

Why is my KeyboardAvoidingView not working with a scroll view?

Wrap your scroll view component with a `KeyboardAvoidingView` and set the `behavior` prop to `height` or `position`. This will allow the keyboard to adjust the scroll view’s height or position accordingly.

How do I handle keyboard avoidance on iOS with a TabNavigator?

Wrap each screen component in a `KeyboardAvoidingView` and set the `behavior` prop to `padding` or `height`. You can also use `react-navigation`’s built-in `keyboardHandlingEnabled` prop on the `TabNavigator` to enable keyboard handling.

Can I use KeyboardAvoidingView with a custom keyboard handling component?

Yes, you can create a custom keyboard handling component and wrap it around your `KeyboardAvoidingView`. This allows you to have complete control over how the keyboard is handled in your React Native app.

Let me know if you’d like me to modify anything!

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