Solving the Mysterious “TS Target Config Does Not Support Browserlist” Error
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Solving the Mysterious “TS Target Config Does Not Support Browserlist” Error

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Are you tired of scratching your head over the infamous “TS target config does not support browserlist” error? Worry no more, dear developer! In this article, we’ll delve into the depths of this pesky issue and provide you with a step-by-step guide to resolving it once and for all.

What is Browserlist, and Why Do I Need It?

Browserlist is a highly configurable and widely-used tool for defining which browsers your project should support. It’s often used in conjunction with tools like Babel, Autoprefixer, and Stylelint to ensure your code is optimized for the browsers you care about.

But why do you need Browserlist in the first place? Well, without it, your project might not work as intended in certain browsers, leading to headaches and wasted development time.

The Error: “TS Target Config Does Not Support Browserlist”

So, what exactly is this error, and why does it occur? Simply put, this error crops up when your TypeScript (TS) configuration doesn’t play nicely with Browserlist. This can happen for a few reasons:

  • Your tsconfig.json file is missing or misconfigured.
  • Browserlist isn’t properly installed or imported.
  • There’s a version conflict between your TS and Browserlist dependencies.

Step 1: Verify Your tsconfig.json File

Let’s start by checking your tsconfig.json file. This file is the heart of your TS configuration, and any errors or omissions can cause issues with Browserlist.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "build",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "strictNullChecks": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true

In the above example, we have a basic tsconfig.json file with some common options. Make sure yours has the following:

  • "target": "es5" (or another supported target)
  • "module": "commonjs" (or another supported module system)

Step 2: Install and Import Browserlist

Next, ensure you’ve installed Browserlist as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev browserlist

Once installed, import it in your TS file:

import { browserslist } from 'browserlist';

Step 3: Configure Browserlist

Now, let’s configure Browserlist to work with your TS project. Create a new file called browserslist in the root of your project:

> 0.2%
not dead
not op_mini all

This file tells Browserlist to target browsers with a market share greater than 0.2%, excluding dead browsers and Opera Mini.

Step 4: Update Your tsconfig.json File (Again!)

Finally, update your tsconfig.json file to include the Browserlist configuration:

  "compilerOptions": {
    // ... other options ...
    " browserslist": ["browserslist"]

This tells TS to use the Browserlist configuration we created earlier.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you’re still encountering issues, here are some common gotchas to watch out for:

Error Solution
“Cannot find module ‘browserlist'” Reinstall Browserlist or check your import statement.
“TS target config does not support browserlist” (again!) Double-check your tsconfig.json file for errors or omissions.
Browserlist isn’t targeting the correct browsers Review and update your browserslist file to ensure it’s targeting the correct browsers.


And there you have it, folks! By following these steps, you should now be able to resolve the pesky “TS target config does not support browserlist” error. Remember to:

  1. Verify your tsconfig.json file.
  2. Install and import Browserlist.
  3. Configure Browserlist.
  4. Update your tsconfig.json file to include the Browserlist configuration.

By doing so, you’ll ensure your TS project is optimized for the browsers you care about, and you’ll avoid those pesky errors that can derail your development workflow.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Got a burning question about “TS target config does not support browserlist”? We’ve got you covered!

What does “TS target config does not support browserlist” even mean?

Don’t panic! This error message simply means that your TypeScript (TS) configuration file doesn’t support the browserlist feature. Browserlist is a handy tool that helps you target specific browsers or environments in your code. So, if your config file doesn’t support it, you might need to make some adjustments.

Why am I seeing this error in my terminal?

This error usually pops up when you’re trying to run a command, like building or compiling your code, and your TS config file isn’t set up to work with browserlist. It’s like trying to put a square peg in a round hole – it just won’t work!

How do I fix this error and get browserlist working?

Easy peasy! You’ll need to update your TS config file to include the browserlist feature. You can do this by adding a “browserslist” section to your tsconfig.json file. Check out the official browserlist docs for more info on how to do this.

Will this error affect my entire project?

Fear not! This error is usually isolated to your TS config file and won’t affect the rest of your project. Once you fix the issue, you should be good to go. But, if you’re unsure, you can always take a peek at your project’s settings and make sure everything is in order.

Can I use browserlist with other development tools?

Absolutely! Browserlist is a popular tool that can be used with a variety of development tools, including Webpack, Rollup, and even CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less. It’s a versatile tool that can help you target specific browsers and environments in all sorts of scenarios.

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