Filter Loki Logs in Grafana by Logger Prefix: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Chesea -

Filter Loki Logs in Grafana by Logger Prefix: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of digging through a mountain of logs in Grafana, only to find the ones you need hidden among a sea of irrelevant data? Do you wish there was a way to narrow down your search to specific logs, quickly and easily? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to filter Loki logs in Grafana by logger prefix, giving you the power to slice through the noise and get to the insights you need in no time.

What is Loki?

Loki is a log aggregation system developed by Grafana Labs, designed to provide a scalable, highly available, and performant logging solution for modern applications. With Loki, you can collect, process, and store log data from various sources, and then visualize it in Grafana.

What is a Logger Prefix?

In Loki, a logger prefix refers to a string that identifies the source of a log message. It’s a way to categorize logs by their origin, making it easier to filter and analyze them. Think of it as a namespace for your logs, allowing you to group related logs together.

Why Filter by Logger Prefix?

Filtering by logger prefix is essential when working with large-scale log data. By focusing on specific prefixes, you can:

  • Reduce noise and irrelevant data
  • Improve query performance
  • Get insights into specific components or services
  • Simplify log analysis and troubleshooting

Step 1: Configure Loki in Grafana

Before we dive into filtering by logger prefix, make sure you have Loki set up and configured in Grafana. If you haven’t already, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new data source in Grafana and select Loki
  2. Enter the URL and credentials for your Loki instance
  3. Configure the data source to use the correct index and retention period

Step 2: Understand Loki Log Format

Loki logs consist of a timestamp, log level, and log message. The logger prefix is usually included in the log message. Here’s an example of a Loki log:

2023-02-20T14:30:00Z INFO my_service[1234] Hello, world!

In this example, the logger prefix is “my_service”. This prefix identifies the source of the log message, making it easier to filter and analyze.

Step 3: Filter by Logger Prefix in Grafana

Now that you have Loki set up and understand the log format, it’s time to filter by logger prefix in Grafana. Follow these steps:

  1. Open a new dashboard or edit an existing one in Grafana
  2. Click the “Add panel” button and select “Logs”
  3. In the “Logs” panel, select the Loki data source you created earlier
  4. In the “Query” field, enter the following syntax:
    logger = "my_service"
  5. Click the “Apply” button to run the query

This query will show only logs with the “my_service” logger prefix. You can modify the prefix to filter by different sources.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to help you get the most out of filtering by logger prefix:

  • Use wildcards: `logger = “my_*”` to match multiple prefixes starting with “my_”
  • Negative filtering: `logger != “my_service”` to exclude logs from a specific prefix
  • Combine filters: `logger = “my_service” AND level = “ERROR”` to filter by prefix and log level

Step 4: Visualize and Analyze Filtered Logs

Now that you’ve filtered your logs by logger prefix, it’s time to visualize and analyze them. Grafana offers a range of visualization options, including:

  • Log tables
  • Heatmaps
  • Charts and graphs

Select the visualization that best suits your needs and explore your filtered logs. You can also use Grafana’s built-in filtering and aggregation features to drill down further into your data.


Filtering Loki logs in Grafana by logger prefix is a powerful technique for streamlining your log analysis and troubleshooting. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly and easily narrow down your search to specific logs, reducing noise and improving your overall workflow. Remember to experiment with different filtering techniques and visualization options to get the most out of your log data.

Keyword Definition
Loki A log aggregation system developed by Grafana Labs
Logger Prefix A string that identifies the source of a log message
Grafana A visualization platform for log and metric data

With these skills under your belt, you’re ready to unleash the full power of Loki and Grafana on your log data. Happy filtering!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash your logging mastery! Below, we’ve got the scoop on filtering Loki logs in Grafana by logger prefix.

How do I filter Loki logs in Grafana by logger prefix?

To filter Loki logs in Grafana by logger prefix, you can use the `{logger}` label in your query. For example, if you want to filter logs from the `my_app` logger, your query would look like this: `{%=logger=”my_app” %}.*`. Easy peasy!

What if I have multiple loggers with similar prefixes? Can I filter them all at once?

You bet! You can use the `~` operator to filter logs from multiple loggers with similar prefixes. For example, if you want to filter logs from loggers starting with `my_app_`, your query would look like this: `{%=logger=~”my_app_.*” %}.*`. Boom!

Can I use wildcards in my logger prefix filter?

Yes, you can! Loki supports wildcard characters in logger prefixes. For example, if you want to filter logs from loggers starting with `my_app_` and followed by any characters, your query would look like this: `{%=logger=”my_app_*” %}.*`. Nice!

How do I exclude logs from a specific logger prefix in Grafana?

To exclude logs from a specific logger prefix, you can use the `!=` operator. For example, if you want to exclude logs from the `my_app` logger, your query would look like this: `{%=logger!=”my_app” %}.*`. Simple!

Can I combine multiple filters, including logger prefix, in my Grafana query?

Absolutely! You can combine multiple filters, including logger prefix, using the `and` operator. For example, if you want to filter logs from the `my_app` logger and also filter by a specific level, your query would look like this: `{%=logger=”my_app” %} and {level=”ERROR” %}.*`. Powerful!

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