Why does Swagger Duplicate my Documentation in Endpoints using {format}?
Image by Chesea - hkhazo.biz.id

Why does Swagger Duplicate my Documentation in Endpoints using {format}?

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Are you tired of seeing duplicate documentation in your Swagger endpoints? Do you wonder why {format} is the culprit behind this issue? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Swagger and explore the reasons behind duplicated documentation. Buckle up, folks, and let’s get started!

What is Swagger?

Swagger is an open-source tool that allows developers to generate interactive documentation for their APIs. It provides a visual representation of API endpoints, methods, parameters, and responses. Swagger is widely used in the development community to streamline API documentation and make it easier for clients to understand and consume APIs.

The Problem: Duplicate Documentation

So, you’ve set up Swagger for your API, and everything seems to be working fine. But, when you navigate to an endpoint, you notice that the same documentation is duplicated multiple times. This can be frustrating, especially if you have a large API with many endpoints. The duplicated documentation can make it difficult for users to navigate and understand your API.

The Culprit: {format} Parameter

The {format} parameter is the primary cause of duplicated documentation in Swagger. When you specify the {format} parameter in your endpoint, Swagger generates multiple documentation entries for each possible format. For example, if you specify `{format: json, xml}`, Swagger will generate two documentation entries for the same endpoint: one for JSON and another for XML.

<swagger:operation id="getUser">
  <param name="format" type="string" required="true" default="json" enum="['json', 'xml']"/>
  <response class="User"/>

In this example, Swagger will generate two documentation entries for the `getUser` endpoint: one for JSON and another for XML. This can lead to duplicated documentation and confusion for API consumers.

Solutions to the Duplicated Documentation Problem

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some solutions to the duplicated documentation problem:

Solution 1: Remove the {format} Parameter

The simplest solution is to remove the {format} parameter from your endpoint. This will prevent Swagger from generating multiple documentation entries for each format.

<swagger:operation id="getUser">
  <response class="User"/>

By removing the {format} parameter, Swagger will only generate a single documentation entry for the endpoint.

Solution 2: Use a Single Format

If you need to support multiple formats, consider using a single format for your API. This can simplify your API documentation and reduce clutter. For example, you can choose to support only JSON or XML.

<swagger:operation id="getUser">
  <param name="format" type="string" required="true" default="json"/>
  <response class="User"/>

In this example, Swagger will only generate a single documentation entry for the `getUser` endpoint in JSON format.

Solution 3: Use Swagger Extensions

Swagger provides extensions that allow you to customize the documentation generation process. You can use these extensions to remove duplicated documentation entries. For example, you can use the `swagger.operation.addVendorExtension` method to add a custom extension that removes duplicated documentation.

swagger.operation.addVendorExtension("x-duplicate-remove", function(operation) {
  // Remove duplicated documentation entries
  operation.responses = _.uniq(operation.responses, function(response) {
    return response.schema.type;

This code snippet adds a custom extension that removes duplicated documentation entries based on the response schema type.

Best Practices for Swagger Documentation

To avoid duplicated documentation and ensure clear API documentation, follow these best practices:

  • Use a single format for your API: This can simplify your API documentation and reduce clutter.
  • Remove unnecessary parameters: Remove any unnecessary parameters, including the {format} parameter, to reduce duplicated documentation.
  • Use Swagger extensions: Use Swagger extensions to customize the documentation generation process and remove duplicated documentation entries.
  • Use clear and concise language: Use clear and concise language in your API documentation to ensure users understand your API.
  • Test your API documentation: Test your API documentation to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date.


In conclusion, duplicated documentation in Swagger endpoints can be caused by the {format} parameter. By removing the {format} parameter, using a single format, or using Swagger extensions, you can solve the duplicated documentation problem. Following best practices for Swagger documentation can also ensure clear and concise API documentation. So, go ahead and optimize your Swagger documentation today!

Solution Description
Remove the {format} Parameter Removes the {format} parameter from the endpoint to prevent duplicated documentation.
Use a Single Format Chooses a single format for the API to simplify documentation and reduce clutter.
Use Swagger Extensions Uses Swagger extensions to customize the documentation generation process and remove duplicated documentation.

By following these solutions and best practices, you can ensure clear and concise API documentation that users will love. Happy documenting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about Swagger and duplicated documentation!

Why does Swagger duplicate my documentation in endpoints using {format}?

Swagger duplicates documentation when it encounters multiple operations with the same HTTP method and path, but different response formats (e.g., JSON, XML, etc.). This is because Swagger treats each response format as a unique operation. To avoid duplication, you can use the `produces` parameter in your OpenAPI definition to specify the response format(s) for each operation.

What’s the deal with Swagger and multiple operations having the same HTTP method and path?

When Swagger generates documentation, it groups operations by HTTP method and path. If multiple operations have the same HTTP method and path, Swagger will create separate documentation for each operation, resulting in duplication. This is because Swagger assumes each operation is distinct, even if they only differ in response format.

How can I specify multiple response formats for a single operation?

In your OpenAPI definition, you can use the `produces` parameter to specify multiple response formats for a single operation. For example, `produces: [application/json, application/xml]` would indicate that the operation supports both JSON and XML response formats.

What if I want to support multiple request formats, like JSON and XML?

You can use the `consumes` parameter in your OpenAPI definition to specify multiple request formats. For example, `consumes: [application/json, application/xml]` would indicate that the operation supports both JSON and XML request formats.

Are there any other workarounds for Swagger documentation duplication?

Yes, another approach is to use operation IDs or tags to differentiate between similar operations. This can help Swagger generate more concise and organized documentation. However, using the `produces` and `consumes` parameters as mentioned earlier is generally a more elegant solution.

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