Quarkus @Path: How to Disable URL Encoding and Keep Your URLs Clean
Image by Chesea - hkhazo.biz.id

Quarkus @Path: How to Disable URL Encoding and Keep Your URLs Clean

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Are you tired of those pesky URL encodings ruining the appearance of your Quarkus application’s URLs? Do you want to keep your URLs clean and easy to read? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Quarkus @Path annotation and explore how to disable URL encoding once and for all.

What is URL Encoding?

Before we jump into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what URL encoding is. URL encoding, also known as percent-encoding, is a mechanism to encode special characters in a URL so that they can be safely transmitted over the internet. This is necessary because certain characters, such as spaces, ampersands, and question marks, have special meanings in URLs.

For example, if you have a URL like http://example.com/hello world, the space character would need to be encoded as %20 to become http://example.com/hello%20world. This ensures that the URL is properly interpreted by browsers and servers.

The Problem with URL Encoding in Quarkus

In Quarkus, when you use the @Path annotation to define a resource path, the framework will automatically encode any special characters in the path. This can lead to URLs that look like http://example.com/resource/%20hello%20world, which can be difficult to read and maintain.

But what if you want to disable URL encoding for a specific resource or even entire application? That’s where the magic of Quarkus configuration comes in.

Disabling URL Encoding in Quarkus using @Path

To disable URL encoding for a specific resource, you can use the encoded attribute of the @Path annotation. Here’s an example:

public class MyResource {
    public Response get(@PathParam("param") String param) {
        return Response.ok("Hello, " + param).build();

In this example, the @Path annotation specifies a resource path with a path parameter {param}. By default, Quarkus would encode any special characters in the path parameter. To disable URL encoding, you can add the encoded attribute and set it to false:

public class MyResource {
    public Response get(@PathParam("param") String param) {
        return Response.ok("Hello, " + param).build();

By setting encoded to false, Quarkus will not encode the path parameter, resulting in URLs that are easier to read and maintain.

Disabling URL Encoding Globally in Quarkus

What if you want to disable URL encoding for your entire Quarkus application? You can do this by configuring the Quarkus RESTEasy extension using the quarkus.resteasy.path.encoded property.

Here’s an example of how to do this using the application.properties file:


Alternatively, you can also configure this property using the application.yml file:

      encoded: false

By setting quarkus.resteasy.path.encoded to false, Quarkus will disable URL encoding for all resources in your application.

Using URL Decoding in Quarkus

While disabling URL encoding can make your URLs look cleaner, it’s essential to remember that you’ll need to handle URL decoding manually in your resource methods. This is because Quarkus will no longer decode the URL parameters for you.

Luckily, Quarkus provides a convenient way to decode URL parameters using the URLDecoder utility class. Here’s an example:

public class MyResource {
    public Response get(@PathParam("param") String param) {
        String decodedParam = URLDecoder.decode(param, "UTF-8");
        return Response.ok("Hello, " + decodedParam).build();

In this example, the URLDecoder.decode() method is used to decode the param URL parameter. The first argument is the encoded parameter value, and the second argument is the character encoding to use (in this case, UTF-8).

Best Practices for URL Encoding in Quarkus

While disabling URL encoding can be useful in certain situations, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure that your Quarkus application remains secure and maintainable. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use URL encoding when necessary: URL encoding is essential for ensuring that special characters in URLs are properly encoded. Make sure to use URL encoding when working with URLs that contain sensitive information or special characters.
  • Disable URL encoding with caution: Disabling URL encoding can make your URLs more readable, but it can also introduce security risks if not handled properly. Make sure to carefully consider the implications of disabling URL encoding before doing so.
  • Use URL decoding manually: When disabling URL encoding, remember to handle URL decoding manually in your resource methods using the URLDecoder utility class.
  • Test your URLs thoroughly: Make sure to test your URLs thoroughly to ensure that they are properly encoded and decoded. This can help prevent issues with URL encoding and decoding.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Quarkus @Path annotation and learned how to disable URL encoding for specific resources or entire applications. We’ve also covered best practices for URL encoding in Quarkus and discussed the importance of handling URL decoding manually when disabling URL encoding.

By following the instructions and guidelines outlined in this article, you can keep your Quarkus application’s URLs clean and easy to read while ensuring the security and maintainability of your application.

Property Description
quarkus.resteasy.path.encoded Disables URL encoding for the entire Quarkus application
@Encoded(false) Disables URL encoding for a specific resource
URLDecoder.decode() Decodes a URL parameter manually

Remember to always follow best practices when working with URL encoding and decoding in Quarkus, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further guidance.

Frequently Asked Question

Let’s dive into the world of Quarkus and URL encoding!

How do I disable URL encoding in Quarkus using @Path?

To disable URL encoding in Quarkus using @Path, you can simply add the `encode=false` attribute to the `@Path` annotation. For example: `@Path(value = “/{id}”, encode = false)`. This tells Quarkus not to encode the URL path.

Will disabling URL encoding affect the security of my Quarkus application?

Disabling URL encoding can potentially introduce security risks, as it may allow malicious input to pass through. However, if you’re aware of the implications and have proper input validation in place, it shouldn’t be a major concern. Just remember to carefully consider the trade-offs!

Can I disable URL encoding for a specific method or endpoint only?

Yes, you can disable URL encoding for a specific method or endpoint by adding the `encode=false` attribute to the `@Path` annotation at the method level. This allows you to control URL encoding on a per-method basis.

How does Quarkus handle URL encoding by default?

By default, Quarkus enables URL encoding to ensure proper handling of special characters in URLs. This means that any special characters in the URL path will be encoded according to the URL encoding rules (e.g., `%20` for spaces). Disabling URL encoding with `encode=false` allows you to bypass this default behavior.

Are there any other ways to customize URL encoding in Quarkus?

Yes, you can customize URL encoding in Quarkus by using a custom `UriEncoder` implementation. This allows you to define your own encoding rules or overwrite the default behavior. You can also use `@PathParam` with the `encoded=true` attribute to receive the encoded path parameter value.